Monday, November 07, 2005


Denmark: "German and Allied Occupation 1940-1946
Commanders of German troops
9 Apr 1940 - 30 Jun 1940 Leonhard Kaupisch (b. 1878 - d. 1945)
30 Jun 1940 - 26 Sep 1942 Erich L�dke (b. 1882 - d. 1946)
26 Sep 1942 - 26 Jan 1945 Hermann von Hanneken (b. 1890 - d. 1981)
27 Jan 1945 - 5 May 1945 Georg Lindemann (b. 1884 - d. 1963)
Heads of the Allied Military Administration
5 May 1945 - Aug 1945 Richard Henry Dewing (U.K.) (b. 1891 - d. 1981)
Aug 1915 - 1946 Crowe (U.K.) "

5 May 1945 - 1946 Allied occupation (Bornholm occupied by USSR to
5 Apr 1946).

Denmark and the ‘European New Order’, 1940–1942

CJO - Abstract: "This article explores the meaning and impact of the Nazi concept of a �New Order� for Europe on German-occupied Denmark. The first German civil authority in power in Denmark was the Foreign Ministry, which struggled to conclude an economic union with Denmark in summer 1940. Then Goering's Four-Year Plan and the Reich Economics Ministry took command and economic union was abandoned by Berlin, since a pragmatic, day-to-day approach now prevailed. Other initiatives were taken in order to facilitate Denmark's incorporation in the European New Order, such as the setting up of a ministerial Eastern Committee with the purpose of re-establishing Danish industry in the occupied USSR. The article shows how, in Denmark, German short-term politics actually coincided with long-term plans. Germany's ideas of becoming the economic centre of a self-sufficient continental Europe were closely connected to the idea of securing foodstuffs from its neighbours, and this idea, too, was implemented in spring and early summer 1940, when, after the swift occupation of Denmark and the subsequent severance of its trade with Britain, agricultural exports were diverted to the German market."

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Information: "Mogens Kaslers indl�g i dagbladet Information, 4. september 2004"

Hverken ungdomskliken Fritz Waschnitzius, indkaldt til Wehrmacht / Ole Wivel / Knud W. Jensen / Erik Johansen / Ole Høst har ansvar for, at Ole Høst meldte sig til Frikorps Danmark

Bes�ttelsestidens terror de private krige

privatkrig10: "Bes�ttelsestidens terror

kronologisk oversigt 10

5. maj 1945 fortsat - 7. november 1945

de private krige - legitime - illegitime - kriminelle - uden ret til at dr�be
sabotager - drab - likvideringer - snigmord - rovmord - v�deskud

Bopa - BS Bopa sabotage - DP dansk politi - HD Holger Danske - JLG jysk likvideringsgruppe
SOE Secret Service / Special Forces - TG tysk gruppe"

Victors against the Defeated

Victors against the Defeated: "In Denmark and Norway similar retributions against women occurred, with men able to mask their jealousy with patriotism and moral righteousness. In Denmark, several hundred young women were jailed whose only crime was consorting with young German soldiers. "

The Red Cross Visit to Theresienstadt on June 23, 1944

The Red Cross Visit to Theresienstadt on June 23, 1944: "The famous Red Cross visit to Theresienstadt came about because the government of Denmark was anxious to know about the conditions of the ghetto since 466 Danish Jews had been sent there, beginning on October 5, 1943. The Nazis began their beautification program in late 1943 in preparation for the inspection, demanded by the Danish King Christian X, which was more than six months away. Especially because the Theresienstadt ghetto was the home of many prominent and well known Jews, the Nazis wanted to fool the world into thinking that the Jews were being well treated. Because of pressure brought to bear on the Germans by the Danish government, these Danish Jews received preferential treatment in the ghetto and consequently all of them survived. They were sent back to Denmark on April 15, 1945, under the supervision of the Red Cross, shortly before the ghetto was liberated by Soviet troops on May 8, 1945. Thus they escaped the typhus epidemic which devastated Theresienstadt in the last days of the war."

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

freikorps danmark - Google Search

freikorps danmark - Google Search

frikorps danmark - Google Search

"Freikorps D�nemark" - Google Search

11th SS Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier Division-Nordland - Google Search: "
We portray the 11th. SS Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland' which was the ..."

Pittsburg, Kansas 66762

Byens parker

Byens parker: "Den Tyske bes�ttelse 1940
Meget tidligt om morgenen d.9.april 1940 gik Tyskerne i land p� Langeliniekajen, og som det f�rste blev 2 kompagnier sendt af
sted for at indtage Kastellet.

Den ubemandede Norgesport spr�ngtes, og p� mindre end en time var 'Die Festung Kopenhagens' erobret.

F�stningen blev indtaget uden kamp; den lille vagtstyrke p� ni
mand var hurtigt overmandet.

Tyskerne blev i Kastellet frem til befrielsen i maj 1945, hvor engl�nderne endnu engang rykkede ind, denne gang som befriere. efter spr�ngningen af Norgesporten."


Kastellet - Wikipedia: "Senest sad v�rnemagtens befuldm�gtige, Werner Best som fange i Kastellet en periode efter 1945."

P2 - s�dan l�d det 1945: "Det st�rste jubel�r i nyere dansk historie. Vi f�lger BBC. Liva Weel spiller i �Styrmand Karlsens flammer�. Vi h�rer Hitler og Goebbels sidste taler fra det omringede Berlin inden undergangen og frihedsjubelen i K�benhavn den 4. maj. En soldat fort�ller om fangerne i Kastellet, Dr. Best og Pancke. Vi f�lger de danske revyer i jubelsommeren 1945 med Ib Sch�nberg og Erika Voigt."

Kastellet, which was occupied by German forces from 1940 to 1945

SpurenArbeitsvSek2: "Kastellet: deutsche Kaserne von 1940 bis 1945. Die Verbindungsstra�en zwischen Kastell und Hotel d�Angleterre wurden in Einbahnstra�en verwandelt. Erst am 22. 12. 1946 wurde die letzte deutsche Beh�rde aufgel�st.

23. Hotel d�Angleterre, Kongens Nytorv: Einquartierung der obersten Wehrmachtsoffiziere und des Kriegsgerichts.

24. �ster All� 29, Wengels Pal� Deutsches Wissenschaftliches Institut (ab 1941). Institut f�r Rassenforschung und nordische Geschichte. Deutsche Propagandazentrale, gerichtet an Wissenschaftler. Ab 1943 geleitet von Professor H�fler, Folklorist und Nordist. Deutsch-D�nische Gesellschaft, Vorsitzender DSB-Generaldirektor Peter Knutzon.

25. Rydhave, Strandvejen 259: Wohnsitz von Werner Best, jetzt Residenz des Botschafters der USA."

41 Squadron and the End of the War in Europe

41 Squadron and the End of the War in Europe: "Today, with poor weather and a battle ground nearly out of reach, we could hope for little spectacular. A strong cross wind developed in the afternoon and operations ended early. The big news is the safe return of S/Ldr Terry Spencer. From the reports received at the time it seemed impossible that he could be alive, but the impossible happened. He was shot out of his aircraft as it plunged towards the sea in WISMAR BAY and his parachute opened, he hit the water. Having struck out for land he was surprised to find that he was only in four feet of water, so waded ashore in soft mud. Although badly burn, bruised, and shaken he was forced to walk over a mile. He was eventually liberated and brought back home where he arrived this afternoon. F/Lt Stowe who landed in �no man�s land� got back to 142 Wing and an Auster brought him back to the Wing. F/Lt Smith of 350 squadron who crash landed in enemy territory on the 30th April also came back today. He evaded for some days until hunger drove him to join a batch of American prisoners until he was liberated by the Americans.' (4 May 1945)
'There is only morning activity to report today. We had to patrol 10 miles south of KIEL until 08.00 hours. Our first patrol by 130 squadron was vectored on to a Siebel 204 with instructions either to escort it to a base on our side of the line or force it down. The aircraft was flying south near HAMBURG and on sighting our aircraft immediately turned north and started evasive action. As the war was still on, F/LT Gibbons and F/Sgt Seymour had no option but to shoot it down, and that was that. Shortly afterwards the section met 4 Fw 190�s and they adopted the correct tactics by waggling their wings and dropping their under-cart. They were at zero feet and obviously very nervous. Our pilots, with visions of Lugers, tried to bring them to B.118 but as so"

Befrielsen 1945 - Kilder til Befrielsen - Jubel og gl�de

Befrielsen 1945 - Kilder til Befrielsen - Jubel og glæde

Kieler Expeditionary Force 1945
Historier fra Sundby: "12. maj 1945, Monty kommer"

Befrielsen 1945 - Jubel og gl�de
Den 5. maj klokken 8 om morgenen begyndte alle landets kirkeklokker at ringe. I en time ringede de freden ind. Fejringen af befrielsen fortsatte det meste af sommeren med fester, parader og folkemøder. Glæden ville ingen ende tage.

De første allierede soldater kom til Danmark den 5. maj kl. 16.32. Det var den britiske generalmajor Dewing, der landede i Kastrup Lufthavn som repræsentant for den allierede overkommando med godt hundrede faldskærmssoldater. Soldaterne kørte ind til Københavns centrum, hvor de fik en stormende velkomst.

7. maj 1945
To dage senere kørte de første større britiske enheder over den dansk-tyske grænse. En soldat huskede senere begivenhederne som magiske dage, hvor det var "en berusende følelse pludselig at befinde sig i et land uden ruiner, hilst velkommen af et folk, der var overlykkelige for at se os, og som det var tilladt at fraternisere med". Og fraterniseret blev der. Britiske soldater var populære overalt - ikke mindst hos unge danske piger.

Ironway day one

I had the title and opening of my new novel, but then got side tracked into caring for the sick, my friend and neighbour Inger-Lise Kristoffersen was not at all well but I reused to shop in the rain but washed up, and reinstalled Adobe Acrobat 5.05 on the OS 9.xx iMac.

The teen unit was busy being a teen, and has dyed her hair a flat brown instead of streaky bottle blond , and smokes and went to a solarium.

She seems definitely on a a mission to self-destruct and put me in Omnipotens Pater mode a bit different from the over generous daddy dear of holidays she is used to.

nonowrimo - was my typo for NaNoWriMo - Google Search
I am enjoying the forums and dropping the spam riddled soc.genealogy.britain
for the time being

National Novel Writing Month - my profile in the
National Novel Writing Month - Forums front door
and my own stuff hughw36 - Google Search

I have been researching and fear that is my vice

Nationalt klenodie tilbage i landet: "Christians X's Cadillac"

En del af krigens mærkelige virkelighed var at den før så upopulære Kong Christian X var blevet folkehelt.

Den tyske besættelse af Danmark ophører
Montgomery recieves German surrender at his 21st Army Group headquarters on Lüneberg Heath on 3rd May 1945
4 May 1945: Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery signs the surrender of German armies

Den 5. maj 1945 talte kongen i radioen til folket, og alle lyttede. Hvad han sagde husker vist de færreste. Det var heller ikke så vigtigt. Kongen talte, det var selve nationens røst.

Field Marshall Montgomery delivers VE Day speech, 8 May 1945.

Den 9. maj 1945 åbnede Rigsdagen - som Folketinget hed dengang - og Christian X kørte i åben bil fra Amalienborg til Christiansborg gennem gader fyldte af jublende mennesker. Samme åbne bil blev brugt af krigshelten over alle helte - i hvert fald for danskerne - den engelske feltmarskal Montgomery på hyldesttur gennem København.

Christian X brugte den åbne Cadillac ved samtlige større begivenheder; indvielsen af de store brobyggerier, regeringsjubilæet og sin 70 års fødselsdag, men havde det ikke været for besættelsen og befrielsen var Christian Xs Cadillac fra 1933 gået over i historien på linie med alle de andre kongelige biler som stort set er glemt. Nu har den opnået en symbolværdi som rækker langt ud over hvad andre biler kan regne med. Den hører hjemme i Danmarkshistorien på linie med Tordenskjolds pistoler og runestenene i Jelling.

12. maj 1945: Den engelske feltmarskal Montgomery kommer til København og hyldes som Danmarks befrier.

BBC newsflash read by Stuart Hibberd, 1 May 1945.
Listen again to archive broadcast
Stuart Hibberd reads the news, 2 May 1945.
Listen again to archive broadcast
Field Marshall Montgomery reads out the surrender terms, Luneburg Heath 7 May 1945.
Listen again to archive broadcast
BBC news flash: John Snagge announces that the next day, 8 May 1945, will be VE Day, 7 May 1945.
Listen again to archive broadcast
Thomas Cadett witnesses the signing of the surrender terms by the German High Command,
7 May 1945.
Listen again to archive broadcast

General Dwight D. Eisenhower's Official World War II Diaries: "Call from Monty [British General Bernard Montgomery, commander of the Allied First and Ninth Armies], 7 pm, the Germans are surrendering, North, West, Germany, Holland, Denmark including Norway . . . . the news of the surrender was announced at 8 o'clock on the BBC . . . . ' "

NARA - IWG - Report on the Otto Ohlendorf IRR File: "There is some new detail concerning Himmler's state of mind on May 6, 1945 after Hitler's Last Testament appointed Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz as the successor while expelling Himmler from the Nazi Party.
Ohlendorf described the broad extent of Himmler's 'degrading' and 'unworthy' efforts to gain a post in the Doenitz government and Himmler's real anger on hearing that he was an 'encumbrance' who would do the new government more harm than good. Also new is mention of Himmler's belief on May 6 that Field Marshall Ferdinand Schoerner, the new Commander-in-Chief of the Army, might protect him, and his consideration of joining Schoerner's army so that he could be killed in battle.

Ohlendorf mentions a personal letter, dated 9 May 1945, which Himmler wrote and sent to British Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery. Montgomery had accepted the surrender of German forces in the Northwest on the 4th. Ohlendorf obliquely mentioned this letter's existence at his trial in 1947 but this British interrogation provides more detail. Ohlendorf said that Himmler showed the letter to him and that he altered Himmler's text because 'it had been unfortunately worded.' Himmler then had an adjutant take the letter to Montgomery. Himmler, Ohlendorf said, was anxious about the answer.
After leaving Flensburg on the 9th, he regularly sent a man to Ohlendorf to see if Montgomery had replied. Accounts of Himmler's final days do not mention the letter, so one can only surmise what it said. It was likely a final attempt to split the Anglo-Soviet alliance. Ohlendorf said that Himmler until the very end believed that an agreement could be struck and that he hoped to be the Allies' 'confidence man in Europe.' "

new noveliest and old poet Nicole Krauss

just been translated into Danish
A novel is never perfect
det er nødvendigt at famle
It is necessary to to fumble
Nils Thorsen, interview med Nicole Kraus

I: Politiken. - 2005-10-21. - Sektion 2, s. 1 : ill.
Emne: Krauss, Nicole ; amerikansk litteratur
I anledning af romanen "Kærlighedens fortælling"

Bold Type: Conversation with Nicole Krauss: ": I read like an animal. I read under the covers, I read lying in the grass, I read at the dinner table. While other people were talking to me I read. When I was twelve my mother�who has also read an impressive amount�gave me Portnoy's Complaint. To this day I have no idea what she was thinking. The scene with the Italian whore boggled my mind. I loved it. I finished it and then I started it again. Who wouldn't? Especially if you're twelve. "

"I'm a relatively disciplined (or perhaps relatively stubborn) person, and once I got it in my head that I wanted to write a novel, I sat down at my kitchen table and decided not to get up until I thought of an idea. Probably not the best way to go about things, but it happened to work on this occasion. "

What is literature, really? Boiled down to a single sentence, I'd say it's this: a endless conversation about what it means to be human. And to read literature is to engage in that conversation. There seems to be a growing tendency among people to disengage: with the ideas, with the world around them, with other people, with their own feelings. To say whatever, because it's easier than actually caring. I find this attitude, and its mass appeal, very unsettling. Fear—something we've experienced a lot of in the last year—only heightens that urge to turn off and withdraw, to choose not to extend oneself. But great books force people to engage in the human conversation. They teach empathy and they teach compassion. They remind us of all the words there are beyond whatever.