Weekendavisen på nettet
If you are going to have some idea of what is going on in danish intellectual and artistic life, this weekly paper is a
must read comparable to
Weekly book reviews and literary analysis from the Times Literary Supplement
Once again the idea that Hans Christian Andersen was the unacknowleged illegitimate son of Crown Prince Christian Frederick(later the danish King Christian VIII) and Countess Elise Ahlefeldt-Laurvig from Tranekær is being aired.
This time in a book
PARADISBARNET by Rolf Dorset ( last time it was Jens Jørgensen in 1987) delving in genealogical fantasies and without any documentation other than coincidences of time and place.
If some locks of hair survive a simple DNA test might give an answer but until then this is not genealogy but fiction.
Neither of the books interest me enough to read them, not even a library copy, let alone buy them, so this is a review of a review.
Andersen-kvalme, Andersen sickness, is likely to be out fate in the jubilee year but the cure will be simple - read the untranslated ur-text especially the poems and plays and novels - preferably in Fraktur to slow one down.